This tangy and creamy raw pie will truly delight your taste buds! Being Raw means that it is full of enzymatically active live nutrients. It nourishes your body and mind with a lovely balance of healthy protein, fats and carbohydrates. This dessert is most appropriate in the Spring and Summer but can be beneficial for certain constitutions throughout the year. Our family loves it so I decided to include it during this Fall season. I’m certain my Liver is thanking me!

From a Chinese medical perspective the avocados, “are cooling in nature and sweet. They help build blood and yin, harmonize the liver and lubricate the lungs and intestines,” Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford. They are wonderful for both the brain and skin. They are a healthy fat that our bodies need. Limes are antiseptic, anti-microbial, and help resolve mucus. They benefit the liver and help in the digestion of fats, cleanse the blood, help with cramps and sore throat. Pita Dosha constitutions or those with too much stomach acid or ulcers should be careful or avoid excessive citrus.


Ingredients for Crust:

  • 2 cups macadamia nuts
  • 1 cup pecans
  • 12 pitted dates (make paste by food processing all pitted dates until forms a ball)
  • 4 Tbsp pecan butter or almond butter, or cashew nut butter (Artisana is my favorite)


  • You can increase the macadamia nuts instead of using pecans or nut butters.
  • Add ½ cup shredded coconut

Ingredients for Filling:

  • 1 2/3 cups lime juice (save lime skin and zest it for garnish)
  • 4-5 large Avocados
  • ½-1 cup coconut syrup (6-7 oz) or monk fruit or honey to taste (I use less because I like it more tart)
  • ½ cup refined coconut oil
  • 2 Tbsp lecithin (you can substitute ¼ cup more coconut oil for this as well)


  1. Blend all crust ingredients in food processor and then press into pie crust and place in freezer while you make filling.
  2. Puree avocados and lime juice first in food processor then add sweetener and blend in food processor.
  3. Add melted coconut oil and lecithin. Don’t add coconut oil too warm or it will appear to curdle the avocados.  Blend well.
  4. Pour into pie crust and chill for 2 hours or until set.

Garnish with shredded coconut or zest from 1-2 lime skins or twist of lime placed in center of pie.

Bon Appetit!