Do you have aches and pains?

Sitting on a barstool, hunched over, working from your laptop?

Just getting back in the gym, but underestimated how the months off impacted your fitness level… Sore, hurts to do the basics? I know this one all too well.

Spending way more time than usual on the couch, watching Netflix due to lack of motivation…?

Whatever the reason, these last few years have certainly led to an increase in “normal” everyday aches and pains.

I hear patients complain about “normal” back pain and joint pain.

But are they really “normal”?

Actually, it’s not “normal” to be sore unless you did just go to the gym, and your body should be able to take care of that quickly. If it lasts for days, it’s a sign of something else.

The typical solution? Just pop a couple OTC non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).

What’s the big deal, right? Well…

Most people have NO idea that NSAIDs cause problems, even as high as 30% of all hospitalizations are due to NSAIDs and drug reactions.

We think because they’re available over the counter, they’re safe… but actually, the FDA recently strengthened their warnings about NSAIDs.

What makes them so risky?

NSAIDs have been shown to:

  • Increase risk of heart failure by 20% (and risk continues to rise with regular use)
  • Increase risk of stroke (we’re seeing this more than ever)
  • Damage the stomach and gut lining, increasing risk of internal bleeding, leaky gut, and ulcers
  • Double the risk of kidney damage in people 65+

But knowing that NSAIDs can be really dangerous doesn’t change the fact that your back hurts…

Fortunately, there is a natural solution!
You know me, I love using food as medicine and here is no exception.
My favorite food win for aches and pains is…….


Turmeric is the orangy, golden-yellow root that supports a healthy inflammatory response. It has been studied for years for its effect on inflammation.

I teach many patients to use turmeric like they would NSAIDs. Got a headache? Try turmeric. Sore neck or joints? Turmeric to the rescue. I’ve even found it knocks out period cramps!

In 2 studies, turmeric was found to be as beneficial or even MORE effective than NSAIDs for relieving pain caused by osteoarthritis.

Another study found it as effective as NSAIDS for DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) – that’s the soreness you feel the day after a good workout.

Turmeric also lowers your blood pressure. If you already have very low blood pressure, be careful when you get up from a lying or sitting position.

Go slowly, don’t just pop up off that chair.

And if you are taking medication to lower your blood pressure, you need to monitor it closely because it will likely drop. Talk to your doctor immediately about decreasing the dose of your medication.

But here’s the catch…

Most turmeric supplements are a total waste of time and money.

Sad but true!

That’s because most turmeric is notoriously hard to absorb and use by the body. This is known as low bioavailability.

Luckily there are a few well-researched ways to make it more absorbable (so you can actually get all the benefits!).

Pairing it with healthy fat (like coconut oil)
Pairing it with black pepper (increases absorption by as much as 2,000%)
Gently heating it (shown to boost bioavailability)

And very few turmeric supplements utilize all 3 tools.

You can make Turmeric Tea yourself. I like to add ginger for its additional anti-inflammatory effects.

Here’s How:

  • 6 cups of spring water
  • 2-3 inches of fresh turmeric root (wash, don’t peel), chop or slice. It will stain, so don’t wear a new white shirt. You can use the powder, but the actual root is better.
  • 2-3 inches of fresh ginger root (wash, don’t peel), chop or slice.
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 Tbs coconut oil

Cook, covered, in a large pot, simmer just under a boil for 45 minutes.

Allow to cool, drink a cup right away and refrigerate the rest.

You can add a sweetener like a spoonful of local honey or a few drops of liquid stevia or monk fruit, or a twist of fresh lemon, but I prefer mine unsweetened.

It makes for a maximally absorbable, pain-busting tea!

Other back pain solutions may include a few of my favorite modalities, such as:

  • Acupuncture
  • Advanced Craniosacral Therapy
  • Neural and or Perineural injection Therapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Therapeutic Gyrotonics
  • Yoga and stretching
  • Destressing with meditation and breathing exercises
  • Psychosomatics and postural corrections
  • Medical Qi Gong