Yummy cream of mushroom soup on a cool winter evening! Do you remember slurping cream of mushroom soup as a child? I do. What I didn’t know was that it was packed with Vitamin D from the mushrooms. I like to use local mushrooms whenever possible so you can pick and choose your favorites. I love oyster mushrooms, shitake, button, and even lions mane (great for your brain and memory). Another trick you can play with is to blend half of the soup and add it back in so that you have some chunks with the super creamy part.

Serves: 2-4


8 oz oyster, or shitake, or lions mane, or cremini or button mushrooms, sliced thin
2 carrots, chopped
1 yellow onion, diced
⅛ cup garlic, diced
½ cup coconut cream
12 oz organic beef bone broth or stock
1 Tbsp Italian herb seasoning
1 Tbsp avocado oil or olive oil
Sea salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Fresh cilantro or parsley for topping


4 Turkey or beef sticks, chopped (chomps, or paleovalley)
Or Andouilles sausage
Try adding a parsnip or two, chopped

Equipment: Large soup pot or Instant Pot and large frying pan.


  1. If using an Instant Pot, then in a large frying pan, heat oil over medium heat and add onions, garlic, mushrooms, herbs, carrots, and sausage. Sauté until browned and fragrant.
  2. Transfer to your Instant Pot, or large soup pot. If using your Instant pot, then add organic beef broth and stir, add coconut cream, close, seal, and push the soup setting.
  3. If using a large soup pot on the stove-top, then add organic beef bone broth, stir and turn heat to high. Whisk in coconut cream and let simmer uncovered until soup has thickened (about 15-20 minutes) then remove from heat.
  4. Optional: in a blender or Vitamix, add ½ of the soup and blend. Be careful because it’s hot. Then return it to the soup pot and mix well.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste, then garnish with fresh herbs and serve.

Buen Provecho!