applied therapies acupuncture asian medicine

Acupuncture and Asian Medicine

The TCM Explanation

Let’s begin with the TCM explanation of Qi flow in acupuncture channels. Acupuncture, the insertion of tiny, hair-thin needles into acupuncture points on the body, stimulates your body’s Qi, which then sends signals to the nervous and immune systems telling them how to inhibit pain and resolve disease processes. Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) is a Chinese word meaning life energy. By Qi, we refer to the energy we use to move our arms and legs, for our organs to perform their functions of breathing, pumping blood, and digesting food, and for our brain to think. Without Qi, the body is a lifeless corpse.

Like blood, lymph or nerves, qi flows in a vessel system, called acupuncture meridians or channels (the Chinese word for channel is ‘mai’ which literally translates as vessel). The channels begin at the ends of the fingers and toes and travel up the limbs to the torso. In the torso they pass through the various organs, making connections with one another, and then continue on up to the head. We give each channel the name of one of the organs it passes through, such as Lung, Spleen, Bladder or Kidney channel.

Along the channels are acupuncture points. The points are described as wells that reach the river of Qi in the channel below. By inserting a needle into the acupuncture point, the acupuncturist stimulates Qi in the channel. These points have certain functions. A few are analgesic: stimulating LI 4 (Large Intestine 4) has been shown by MRI to release endorphins in the brain, natural pain killers. [2] Some points stimulate the immune system, and some have empirical functions to treat conditions like rashes, constipation or hemorrhoids. Some points clear heat, important for treating infections or toxic conditions, like boils. Others tonify Qi (or energy), which is used for patients who are tired or weak. The acupuncturist chooses points by both function and location: for example, choosing points near the site of pain, such as the shoulder, knee or back.

Acupuncturists feel that when stimulated, the point sends a signal to the brain to tell the immune system what to do to heal the body. The body has the ability for spontaneous healing. When we get a cut on the skin, a cold, flu or mild headache, or even a bout of food poisoning, the immune system is able to resolve the condition with little or no outside intervention on our part. However, sometimes disease gets more complicated. The immune system can’t handle it alone, and we seek outside intervention from a healthcare professional. Acupuncture needles stimulate Qi in acupuncture points that somehow signal the immune system to tell it what to do to resolve the condition.

Western Science Explains Acupuncture

Western biomedical science has tried to figure out this ‘somehow.’ First, let’s see what scientists have discovered about acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are supplied by high concentrations of nerve endings and bundles, mast cells (used for immune function) lymphatics and capillaries. [3] In addition, acupuncture points have a lower electrical resistance, compared with surrounding skin. Dry skin has a direct current (DC) resistance of about 200,000 to 2 million ohms. Resistance decreases to about 50,000 ohms at acupuncture points. [4] Acupuncture points can be accurately located with acupuncture point-finders that measure ohms to determine point location. Acupuncture channels show up as a different color than surrounding tissue on photographs taken with infrared imaging. [5]

Most of the Western, scientific research attempting to discover or explain the mechanism of acupuncture has focused on pain relief. Nerve fibers travel from acupuncture points in the extremities to the spinal cord. Then, traveling through the spinal nerve column, they continue on to the brainstem and hypothalamus-pituitary gland. Stimulation of these areas in the brain and spinal cord causes the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, norepinephrine and enkephalin that cause inhibition of nerve pain fibers, effectively blocking the transmission of pain sensations. [6]

B-endorphin is a natural opiate produced in the body, 10-100 times more potent than morphine. It circulates for several hours when released. Dynorphins are an extremely powerful opiate, 200 times stronger than morphine. Dynorphins are released in the spinal cord when electro-stimulation (e-stim) is applied to acupuncture points.

Animal studies have shown that acupuncture can alter the release of various hormones, such as prolactin, oxytocin, luteinizing and growth hormone, and modulate thyroid function. [7],[ 8],[9] The effect on hormone release might, in part, explain acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating gynecological conditions such as PMS, amenorrhea (no menstrual periods) infertility and perimenopausal syndrome.

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Brain Healing

Brain Therapy

Bruno Chikly, MD is the creator of this marvelous technique. It works extensively with the brain parenchyma (an organ’s essential or functional parts) rather than on cranial bones and membranes. I address specific brain and spinal cord structures and physiology using an extremely light touch. Some of these structures are glands that strongly influence hormones, while others produce and regulate neurotransmitters. The body often aligns itself around key tissue restrictions to cause various symptoms. The restrictions are commonly the most important, and least often addressed components of somatic dysfunction. I am able to locate these restrictions and offer the brain an opportunity to release, reorganize and rebalance itself. When I energetically touch the brain, it is as though I am holding up a mirror, and that part of the brain sees itself and automatically realigns based on that feedback.

This technique is so individualized that I cannot predict how the brain will respond or what someone will experience. Sessions last from 45 minutes to an hour. I have been using this technique with incredible results! People with headaches and migraines get lasting relief. People with immune challenges notice symptoms diminish. People with memory issues notice they have a greater capacity to remember. Fatigue and sleep problems dissolve, and a greater sense of relaxation, balance, and well-being pervades. A fascinating shift in awareness can unfold for students of evolving consciousness. I can help someone access deeper levels of understanding and broader perspectives on life, relationships, community, culture, and the world.

This profound modality has been known to help any brain- and spinal-related pathologies, including closed head injury, whiplash, headaches, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, post-meningitis syndrome, post-polio syndromes, birth trauma, feeding difficulties, etc. (resource:

I know that the normal brain lives, thinks, and moves within its own specific membranous articular mechanism.” – Sutherland WG, “The Cranial Bowl”, Free Press, First Edition, 1939, reprint 1994, pp 51.

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Advanced CranioSacral Therapy

Advanced Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a form of Osteopathy that was developed by Dr. John Upledger. It is an incredibly gentle, non-invasive modality supporting the body’s innate healing ability. This hands-on technique uses about 5 grams of pressure, the weight of a nickel, to evaluate and treat various forms of restriction in the body. The Craniosacral Rhythm is used to evaluate exactly where the body is asking for support and a significance detector when working with a particular restriction or dysfunctional pattern. This rhythm is palpable in any place on the body and is separate from respiration and heartbeat. I work with the cranium, bones of the skull, the sacrum, all the connective tissue and fascia in the body, organs, and the brain. I also work with tissue memory or cell memory. Every cell in our bodies stores information and often locks in trauma. People often have done the “head” part of healing through various forms of therapy but have yet to integrate it into their bodies. They may have chronic recurrent pain from an accident or injury. I share CST in a way that allows the body and tissues to release and resolve old physical and emotional trauma. The work is truly holistic in nature and approaches the entire person as a whole rather than a series of individual parts. The techniques that I utilize to evaluate and treat allow the body to prioritize which aspect it would like addressed and how. This individualized approach gives the client optimal healing, health, and vitality.

What can CST offer me? CST helps balance your physical structure, Central Nervous System, Endocrine system, and Immune system and helps balance emotional stress. CST has been studied to beneficially impact and often relieve symptoms of depression, pain, anxiety, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, ADD-ADHD, Autism, sports injuries, trauma, immune dysfunction, and arthritic conditions to name a few.

How will I be evaluated? I check the Symmetry, Quality, Amplitude, and Rate of your Craniosacral Rhythm at different places of your body. For example, your feet, thighs, hips, ribs, shoulders, and head. I also employ a technique called Arcing which helps pinpoint the area or areas of restriction. The body clearly shows me how it would like to prioritize the release process, and I listen intently.

What to expect: At the beginning of each session, I will evaluate where your Craniosacral system is through the Craniosacral Rhythm and Arcing. I begin with about 5 grams of pressure, the weight of a nickel, on the primary restriction or the initial place of release. I use subtle techniques to support your body in completely releasing that restriction. I then move to the next place your body shows me needing support. Sessions usually last about 50 minutes to an hour. They are quite relaxing, and people often fall asleep. People often report feeling grounded, re-aligned, and calm after a session. Sometimes, if there was a lot of tissue unwinding, a person may feel sore the next day, like after a workout. This passes within 24-48 hours. The client often feels more energy and a greater sense of vitality.

How many sessions do I need? After our first session, we will create an individualized treatment plan for you. Depending on your situation, I recommend one session per week for 4-6 weeks and then drop back to once a month or once a season. More chronic and severe issues will need more sessions. I believe that prevention is the key, and coming in before you feel pain or discomfort is ideal. I like to call these sessions “tune-ups.” I will make recommendations depending on what I found, but ultimately, I encourage the client to listen to their heart and do what feels best for them.

Follow–ups: Your body is integrating a great deal of structural and tissue changes for about 24-72 hours after the session. Drink more water than normal, get a little extra sleep, and please don’t exercise for about 24 hours after your session; however, walking is fine. If you have any abnormal discomfort or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

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Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

Blood chemistry is an effective and efficient tool to use in order to screen and identify imbalances in the body metabolism. Unfortunately, few Western-trained MDs and NMDs are versed in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA), nor do they know how to order appropriate comprehensive panels.

Further, conventional blood chemistry analysis compiles its “normal” ranges from millions of patients, most of whom are moderately to severely ill. When a patient’s blood falls within “normal” among a group of sick people, how can this possibly demonstrate anything about their wellness?! You should think of this as “Dysfunctional Blood Chemistry Analysis!”

By contrast, FBCA utilizes healthy functioning people to determine different reference ranges. These functionally “normal” and more accurate reference ranges better represent health and well-being.

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Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

Neural and Perineural Therapy and Homeopuncture

Neural therapy is a natural healing modality that works with your autonomic nervous system to resolve blocks, dysfunction, and imbalances so you can fully heal. Neural therapy historically addresses scars, glands, trigger points, acupuncture points, vascular structures, ligaments and autonomic ganglia. It is excellent for treating chronic pain and illness by restoring normal function to the autonomic nervous system and resolving blocks (aka interference fields, foci, and blocked meridians) that were caused by trauma or surgery scars, or sports injuries.

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) is excellent for pain! Previously known as Neural Prolotherapy (NPT), it now has a more accurate name. Dextrose (sugar) is injected near cutaneous nerves which alleviates neurogenic pain and inflammation. It is incredibly safe and effective in nearly all pain challenges. It was developed by Dr. John Lyftogt, with whom I’ve studied. Neurogenic pain is caused by damage to the C-fibers of subcutaneous nerves, which are unmyelinated. Sugar changes the signal of the receptors of the nerves. Nerves that are restricted via a chronic constriction injury (CCI) can be relieved with this therapy. You can expect 4 hours to 4 days of complete relief and then improvement of the pain after each subsequent session. Some patients only need one session, while others may need a series of 8-16. I incorporate many other modalities which also address the root causes of why the pain is there in the first place.

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Homeopathy is a coherent system of natural medicine that focuses on the body’s inherent ability to heal from within. It was discovered over 200 years ago by the German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It has its own method of diagnosis and unique way of treating. The remedies are all-natural and safe. The elderly, children, infants, and even pregnant women can safely use homeopathic preparations. Homeopathic remedies are very effective in acute and chronic diseases. In the United States, homeopathy is a legally recognized method of healing.

Homeopathy sees the patient as a biological system continually seeking homeostasis. The internal and external “environment” continually stresses the body, which reacts to maintain its dynamic milieu. The symptoms of disease are the body’s attempt to maintain balance and homeostasis by sacrificing a small portion of the body for the common good. In homeopathy, a symptom is the body’s reaction to environmental toxic stimulus and stress and should therefore be encouraged and not usually suppressed. It is this enhancement of the healing bodily reaction that homeopathy seeks to accomplish. We administer minute doses of combination remedies to help stimulate the body’s own mechanisms to prioritize healing and balance.

When a patient presents with a disease, symptoms, or stress, the substance that produces a remedy picture that most resembles the disease/symptom picture is administered to the patient to cause the patient to respond to and therefore modify this disease/symptom picture. The close matching of the remedy picture with the disease/symptom picture constitutes the first law of homeopathy- the law of similars.

The law of similars is very ancient and is the basis of vaccinations, anti-venom treatments, and allergy desensitization. The picture obtained of the patient’s disease/symptom process is elicited by the questioning homeopath in a lengthy interview process that stresses the interrelationship of mental and physical symptoms. At all times, the manifestations of the symptoms as a reflection of the whole organism are emphasized.

The second law of homeopathy relates to the use of a single remedy. I am not fully trained in Classical/Constitutional Homeopathy but rather in Complex or Combination Homeopathy, Homotoxicology and Biological Medicine, so I will not elaborate on this single remedy law. The reason I chose Complex Homeopathy versus Classical is simple, Classical Homeopathy has about a 15% or less success rate. I can achieve closer to a 95% success rate in a much shorter time with Complex Homeopathy, Homotoxicology, and Biological Medicine, and my patients deserve this! Over the years, I’ve found several reasons why Classical homeopathy isn’t working well. First, we have so many layers of toxicity-heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, etc., that the Constitutional remedies don’t work. Second, we have enormous amounts of physical, emotional, and psychological trauma that also blocks healing and the ability for a constitutional remedy to work. Third, many latent viruses, bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma (cell wall deficient bacteria), dental gum pockets of infection, root canals, and wisdom teeth extraction issues hinder or block a constitutional remedy from truly working. This is not to say that a single remedy doesn’t work in acute situations, but constitutional remedies often can’t break through the many layers to take effect. There are remarkable stories of constitutional remedies working, but often when other blocks have been removed, the practitioner is extraordinary in assessing and selecting remedies. For now, I use what has been proven most effective and efficient for my patients to heal and thrive.

The third law of homeopathy is the law of minimum dose. In this law, the least amount of the remedy needed to produce the biological response should be employed to move the patient toward a cure gently. More is certainly not better. This directive relates to the biological sensitivity of each individual patient, which will differ not only in the remedy utilized for a similar diagnosis but also in the strength of the remedy employed for a cure.

This brings us to the most difficult part of homeopathy to comprehend: The strengths of the remedies themselves. Homeopaths have and still do use herbal remedies in tincture, but it is the water and alcohol-diluted remedy that forms the basis of homeotherapeutics. The dilution can range from 1:10 (D or X dilutions) to 1:100 (C dilutions) to 1:100,000 (M dilutions) and even higher. Avogadro’s number of 6.12 x 10 (23rd power) ends at a dilution of 23X or 12C, and so any dilution higher than that theoretically has none of the original starting material present in the remedy, but still works well! In fact, the higher the dilution or potency, the greater the fundamental biological and emotional change induced. How can that be? The secret is in the dilution. During every dilution, the mixture is given kinetic energy by thumping the mixture against a solid surface (i.e., the palm of your hand), which induces a physical change in the solvent. This physical change, which is a patterning or physical restructuring of the water-alcohol and substance interface, contains biological information about the change that needs to occur, and the body can read it and respond to these directions.

A few of the manufacturers and labeled remedies I trust and work with are BHI Heel, Sanum- Terra Medica, Seryoal (Unda), Guna Biotherapeutics, Deseret Biologics, and Professional Health Products to name a few.

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The Lifeline Technique

The Lifeline Technique

The LifeLine technique is a unique and holistic philosophy, science, and quantum technology to discovering, interpreting, and releasing the root cause of physical symptoms, mental and emotional stress, and trauma.

This incredible system is the synergy of more than 16 different modalities in one, including Five Element theory of Oriental Medicine, Meridian theory of Acupuncture, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, Psycho-Neuro biology, Total Body Modification, Kinesiology, EMDR, Chakra, sound, color therapy, aromatherapy, aspects of Shamanism to name a few. It is a content-free system, meaning the client does not have to retell a “story” of symptoms or stress.

The individuating foundational philosophy of this system is that symptoms are seen as a language of the body. Rather than something being wrong with you, in need of fixing, we view symptoms and stress as an opportunity to unlock and reawaken you to your fullest potential to transform, heal and thrive. We have found that the root of every stress, disease pattern, and symptom is a subconscious emotional reaction pattern. We know it is a “reaction” of the subconscious because you would never consciously choose stress, pain, disease, fear, etc. The mind and our nervous system are reactive or reflexive in nature, just as we have reflexes in our bodies, like the suckling reflex in a newborn, our heart beating, or our respirations. We don’t have to think about all of the biochemical reactions going on in each and every one of the trillions of cells in our bodies. It just happens. About 92%-98% of everything you do, say, feel, think and respond to comes from the subconscious.

There are infinite triggers like colors, sounds, smells, words, memories, situations, etc. When was the last time your “buttons” were pushed or your emotions “got the best of you”? We often react to external triggers and don’t even know it or feel we don’t have control over them. However, our bodies or our biochemistry do notice and respond to it, whether we are conscious of it or not. When activated, these reaction patterns will cause both behavioral and biological stressors. Long term, these old reactive patterns create dis-ease in our bodies and minds. You may wonder why does our body and mind react in this way. In LifeLine, we understand that the subconscious only reacts to teach us something and protect us. What is your body teaching you today? What is your mind responding to in order to protect a part of you? Is this serving your highest good? How come you’re not already living the life you desire? Why do you have symptoms in your body or any stress in your life? Why are you not already in the most perfect relationship? We uncover the answers to these and many more questions during a single session.

The LifeLine Technique enables a person to bridge the gap between their subconscious and conscious mind to active and release old reactive patterns and thus directly impact the genetic expression affecting the health of your body and the relationships and situations in your life.

As a Certified LifeLine Practitioner (CLP) I help you translate the language of your body, mind and stress in your life into new perspectives, understandings and actions so that all blocks to healing are released. We know the body has the ability to release, regenerate and thrive. The human body can manufacture every chemical you could ever need to heal and regenerate. When subconscious patterns are harmonized, the body’s innate ability to heal on all levels is activated.

This system was developed by Dr. Darren Weissman, author of The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude and Unlocking the Secret Code of Your Mind.

How Does a Session Look:

Every person is unique and every session is completely different. I utilize a form of kinesiology, employing muscle reflex testing with extremely light, respectful, and noninvasive touch to connect to your subconscious mind. We will walk through a connection phase, identifying symptoms and stress phase and then setting an intention phase (quite unique to this work). Next, we begin to bridge the gap between the subconscious and conscious mind by creating doorways or portals to the subconscious. As an advanced practitioner and instructor of the LifeLine Technique, I creatively individualize this process to reawaken you to your highest potential, intention and reconnect you to your passions. Everything becomes a possible portal, including pain and physical symptoms, core limiting beliefs, thought viruses, medications/allergens and supplements, declarative statements, seasons, emotions, dreams, any person or situation you perceive to be stressful and on to infinity. Utilizing muscle reflex testing, we identify the subconscious blocks, emotional, physical and biochemical expressions of and holding patterns for these patterns. We then simply harmonize them using the power of Infinite Love and Gratitude. It is difficult to explain the profound process. It is merely something one must experience!

My multidimensional approach to wellness allows me to incorporate multiple modalities, unique perspectives and profound opportunities into each session. It is truly an art that I am passionate about sharing. My personal philosophy is to use LifeLine and other modalities as a stepping stone to awaken you to the truth of who you are, pure awareness. We are not our symptoms, we are not our physical bodies, we are not old patterns or addictions, or poor relationship choices, we are not angry, fearful or guilty. Rather these are judgments, projections and misunderstandings of what we have been taught. Ultimately, we are pure love, pure awareness. When we awaken to this truth all reactive patterns disassemble themselves and we are left with pure peace, regardless of seeming chaos or situational stress.

An initial session lasts about 1 ½ hours. Follow-up sessions last about an hour. I do my best to honor our time together by being the most proficient and efficient I can be. I also share shorter sessions of 30 minutes upon request. I am available for in-person sessions in Flagstaff, Arizona, and occasionally Sedona, Arizona, and I offer phone sessions worldwide.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

I see healing occurring in three phases: Detoxification of body and mind- including emotions, Regeneration and then Thriving. I will use Muscle Reflex Testing to determine how many sessions you need within each phase. Ultimately, I encourage you to listen to your body and heart to do what feels best.

1-2-3 Plan Classes:

I am of the first group of Certified LifeLine 1-2-3 Plan teachers. I teach you the most vital components of the LifeLine Technique in a day-long class so you may utilize this incredible technique daily in your life, at home, work or play. I will teach you, a group of your closest friends and family members or work colleagues (minimum of 5 other people). Your tuition is Free if you coordinate it! I also set up classes in the community you may choose to participate in. Tuition varies (usually US$195-$225 per person) but always includes a laminated chart, power points, handouts, muscle reflex testing DVD, Infinite Love and Gratitude bracelet and Dr. Darren Weissman’s latest book Unlocking the Secret Code of Your Mind for each participant. After attending this class, you are eligible for a 20% discount should you ever choose to take the full three-day class, Conscious Body Conscious Mind or the entire LifeLine Certification package with Dr. Darren Weissman. You must follow my link with the secret passcode I give you to receive this discount. Please contact me first; there are often other discounts I can share with you!

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Sacred Cacao

Sacred Healing Cacao with Meditations

Five Element Chocolate is a delicious way to experience aspects of nature that reflect many dimensions of our being. This handmade, orgasmic, organic, raw cacao embodies each of the elements in flavor, texture, and shape. It is vibrationally enhanced using tuning forks, Crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, whale songs, music, chanting, meditation, sounds of nature, and the most powerful intention of Infinite Love and Gratitude.

The Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine are:

Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood

Each element is associated with a channel of energy (meridian), chakra, organs, body parts, time of day, direction, emotion, color, smell, and flavor. The cacao takes on the qualities of the elements and chakras to bathe you in a delectable experience for all of the senses. By integrating the flavors, smells, shapes, and vibrations of this sacred cacao, you are reconnecting to aspects of yourself that are also found in nature. This ancient way of connecting through food is holy, profound, regenerative and fun.


Each elemental morsel is accompanied by a magical meditation intended to take you on a journey of the heart. The meditations guide you deeper into the subconscious, supporting you to release old patterns, reawaken to the truth of who you are, and thrive.
Each meditation is created in harmony with a particular element. The visualizations, the language, the music, and even the pauses are intended to support you in reconnecting to that element and to yourself in profound ways.

Great mindfulness and care are used in choosing the purest purple ceremonial cacao beans from Ecuador, brown cacao beans from Peru and essential oils and herbs from around the world to ensure the highest possible quality, potency, flavor and effect. Each oil and herb is chosen according to exacting standards of quality. They are harvested from prime locales at optimal times of year, month, day and moon cycle. Those who harvest carry positive intentions and practice in traditional, sustainable ways. They are fresh, pure, organic, never irradiated, tested to be free of contaminants and processed without toxic solvents. They are free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn, peanuts, processed sugars, toxic preservatives, and insect parts.

A word of caution….. This chocolate is not intended to be used as a substance of addiction. It is soul food that can enable us to shift out of the old, live in the present with gratitude and fall more deeply in love with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Ceremonies and Celebrations


Express deep devotion and holy union with a sacred cacao meditation during your wedding ceremony, or in private with your beloved. I will customize both the chocolate and the meditation to meet your needs as a couple. The sacred cacao can be made for the bride and groom only, can include the wedding party, or can expand to include the guests.


Celebrate a birthday for yourself, a friend, a colleague, or a family member with a chocolate meditation. I will customize the cacao, meditation, and blessing to suit the honored person’s intention. If you would like to surprise the birthday boy or girl, I can do that as well. I can individualize a single piece of birthday chocolate for a quaint celebration or create special morsels for all of the party-goers.


Commemorate a wedding anniversary, long-time friendship, employment anniversary, sobriety anniversary, the death of a loved one, etc., with a special piece of chocolate intended to honor and celebrate the passing of time and life’s many transformations. I can create an individual serving or multiples to share.

Bachelorette Parties:

Go wild with the girls and some sensational chocolate! Or seriously prepare for the upcoming wedding ceremony with a sacred cacao meditation. Whichever you choose, this party promises to be memorable for everyone. Customized to meet the bride’s dreams… chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! (I joyfully prepare the cacao and meditation, and you organize the rest of the party)

Dinner Parties:

Surprise and honor your guests with a sacred healing cacao meditation for dessert. I will customize the chocolate and meditation to suit your needs and the needs of your guests. They will be amazed, delighted and wanting more!

Special Events:

Are you having a special event? Sacred cacao meditations are a unique and fun way to entertain, share special news, and honor those you care about. Marriage proposals, work promotions, CD release parties, book signings etc. It’s always the perfect time for chocolate!

Individual Ceremonies:

I will customize a ceremony with an individual, a couple or family, class, workshop, or group. This includes coming of age, birthdays, weddings, manifesting your soul mate, graduations, travel, creating financial abundance, a new business endeavor, moving, blessing a new home, divorces, recovery from an illness, births, deaths etc. Use your imagination; I am creating something you shall remember always.

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Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Sound has been used as a healing modality for thousands of years. You may have heard chanting from Asia monks, mantras from India or read about music and icaros (plant medicine songs) songs during indigenous healing ceremonies.

Science is now validating what humans have been feeling for thousands of years. A very real science has emerged called Neuroacoustics and Psychoacoustics, the study of the effects of sound on the human nervous system. We are frequency beings, and every cell of our body has been shown to respond to vibration.

I use Tuning forks, Tibetan and Alchemy Crystal singing bowls, Indian Swinging Chimes, Drums, Rattles, Gong, Koshi chimes, kalimba, mouth harp, shruti box, flute, voice, and more to profoundly impact each strand of DNA in every cell of the body. We are vibrational beings and using sound to transmute and transform blocks into freedom and joy is a deeply healing journey, reconnecting you to wholeness.

The result is increased vitality, balanced chakras, opened meridians flowing with Chi (vital life-force energy), harmonized brain waves, structures and systems, a release of stress and trauma, a sense of regeneration and transformation of consciousness and more. Often people report feeling as if they have been on a psychedelic journey but without consuming any substances.

Sometimes I combine sacred cacao with sound healing baths. This can open the heart even further and allow your mind to settle, deepening into the truth of your soul.

Listen, reconnect, rejuvenate, relax and reawaken into the subtle vibrational language of the cosmos.

I intuitively weave sound healing into sessions or per patient requests, or with groups.

Click here to book a complimentary Optimal Wellness Consultation to see if we are a good fit and how I may help you.

Dolphin Assisted Therapy

Dolphin Assisted Therapy

Equine Assisted Therapy and Dolphin Assisted Therapy are unique healing modalities that explore interspecies communication thru physical and energetic exchanges between people, animals, the environment and the therapist.

My multidimensional approach expands far beyond directive animal interaction. The experience is rich with opportunities to connect with yourself, the dolphins or the horses and the surrounding environment in a healing and transformative way.

When you connect in this profound way, healing occurs on many levels. Often old subconscious patterns shift, triggers dissolve, pain leaves, dis-ease patterns are released, stress melts away, and your body’s abilities to heal, release, regenerate and thrive are powerfully activated.

Click here to book a complimentary Optimal Wellness Consultation to see if we are a good fit and how I may help you.

Death Midwifery

Death Midwifery

Death Midwifery is similar to birth midwifery, but it supports you through the dying process. I’m also called a death doula. Many cultures actively process death through various rituals to release grief. I’ve noticed that American culture hasn’t quite embraced the dying process in what I consider a healthy or balanced way.

I’m here to help change that. Death is inevitable. We are all going to die, regardless of the anti-aging serums we use, or the vitamins we take. Our Divine exit could be from a prolonged illness or a tragic car accident.

As horrible as it may seem to the people left behind, we each have our Divine timing. I believe this and hold this for you and your family.

Click here to book a complimentary Optimal Wellness Consultation to see if we are a good fit and how I may help you.

What Other Doctors Are Saying.

“Western medicine has shown its value in diagnosing and treating disease, but is often lacking to explain the origins of autoimmune and inflammatory disease states – specifically the role that the gastrointestinal system plays in maintaining homeostasis.  In her book Holistic Keto for Gut Health, Kristin Grayce bridges the gap between conventional and holistic medicine, while staying true to her scientific roots; she clearly has a mastery of her field.  Many of my patients would benefit from understanding the topics covered in this book.”

Aaron Lee MD, Doctor of Gastroenterology

‘In a world of fad diets and nutritional confusion, Kristin Grayce McGary provides a fresh new insight into the role of nutrition in health and healing. Her nutrition recommendations are grounded in science and the latest research into the gut microbiome. If you suffer from any chronic illness or autoimmune disease and are struggling in the world of conventional medicine, you need to read this book. It has the potential to accelerate your journey to optimal health.’

Nauman Naeem MD

“Kristin Grayce McGary has identified the problems that underpin poor health and immunity, and offers solutions. Cutting edge ideas combined with common sense and delicious recipes, Holistic Keto for Gut Health is a must-read if you suffer with any type of chronic condition. She is an impressive author with good clinical sense and a pioneer in her field. Highly recommend!”

Suzy Cohen RPh, America's Favorite Pharmacist, and author of Drug Muggers

Hay House Author: Dr. Darren Weissman: “This book could save your life! Holistic Keto for Gut Health is an authoritative text combined with tasty recipes that teaches you how to use food as medicine. I’m grateful to have such a comprehensive great read as a personal resource as well as to share with all of my students and clients.

Dr. Darren R. Weissman D.C, Best Selling Author and Developer of The LifeLine Technique