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“This book could save your life! Holistic Keto for Gut Health is an authoritative text combined with tasty recipes that teaches you how to use food as medicine. I’m grateful to have such a comprehensive great read as a personal resource as well as to share with all of my students and clients.”

Dr. Darren R. Weissman D.C
– Best Selling Hay House Author and Developer of The LifeLine Technique

Hi, I’m Kristin Grayce McGary,

author of Holistic Keto For Gut Health. This is not your typical keto book. By reading this book and following what I teach, you’ll learn how to enjoy the benefits of a keto diet without causing other problems such as inflammation and autoimmune issues.

To celebrate the launch of this book, I’m offering these great bonuses for everyone who buys it!

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KGM’s Holistic Guides

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Learn the truth about allergies (both environmental and food) and from where they arise, as well as how to address both the annoying symptoms and the root of the immune imbalance. Discover lists of foods to enjoy and those that will likely cause you problems. Find an explanation of my most trusted food sensitivity tests. Become empowered with lists of my most effective supplements for treating both the symptoms of allergies as well as the root of immune dysfunction.

Learn details about your breast health that no one else is teaching. Discover simple lifestyle shifts that can keep your breasts healthy. Learn what preventative measures you can take to avoid most cancers and breast disease. Receive lists of foods to enjoy, while avoiding the most problematic ones to enjoy to keep your breasts and body healthy and happy.

Learn how to turn your health around by addressing both the symptoms and root of diabetes and insulin resistance once and for all. You will discover shocking new information about food and nutrition so that you can make the changes that really make a difference in your health. You will find lists of foods to enjoy and those best to avoid, along with essential oils to stimulate your metabolism.


Learn details about keeping your gallbladder healthy or what to do after it’s been removed that no one else is teaching. Learn what factors impact your gallbladder health and what to do. You will find lists of foods to enjoy that support healthy gallbladder function.

Learn my top clinical pearls to avoid an outbreak or treat one quickly. You will learn about how this virus works so you can stop it in it’s tracks. You will receive lists of foods to enjoy and which foods may cause you problems. You will learn which supplements work best to both prevent and treat outbreaks so you can end suffering immediately.

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What Other Doctors Are Saying

“Western medicine has shown its value in diagnosing and treating disease, but is often lacking to explain the origins of autoimmune and inflammatory disease states – specifically the role that the gastrointestinal system plays in maintaining homeostasis.  In her book Holistic Keto for Gut Health, Kristin Grayce bridges the gap between conventional and holistic medicine, while staying true to her scientific roots; she clearly has a mastery of her field.  Many of my patients would benefit from understanding the topics covered in this book.”

Aaron Lee MD
– Doctor of Gastroenterology

“Kristin Grayce McGary has identified the problems that underpin poor health and immunity, and offers solutions. Cutting edge ideas combined with common sense and delicious recipes, Holistic Keto for Gut Health is a must-read if you suffer with any type of chronic condition. She is an impressive author with good clinical sense and a pioneer in her field. Highly recommend!”

Suzy Cohen RPh
– America’s Favorite Pharmacist, and author of Drug Muggers

“In a world of fad diets and nutritional confusion, Kristin Grayce McGary provides a fresh new insight into the role of nutrition in health and healing. Her nutrition recommendations are grounded in science and the latest research into the gut microbiome. If you suffer from any chronic illness or autoimmune disease and are struggling in the world of conventional medicine, you need to read this book. It has the potential to accelerate your journey to optimal health.”

Nauman Naeem MD

“This book could save your life! Holistic Keto for Gut Health is an authoritative text combined with tasty recipes that teaches you how to use food as medicine. I’m grateful to have such a comprehensive great read as a personal resource as well as to share with all of my students and clients.”

Dr. Darren R. Weissman D.C
– Best Selling Hay House Author and Developer of The LifeLine Technique

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