Adrenal Fatigue is a common “diagnosis” that you may hear on social media or from “alternative” healthcare providers, but it can be difficult to treat. The term is often misused and therefore not properly addressed.

I’m going to give you my Favorite Fixes below, just in time for the Holiday Craze of overwork, family stress, consumerism pressures, financial strain, and end-of-year to-do list exhaustion.

Of course, getting to the root of Why, is key. But in the meantime, I want to help you get through December with more balance, peace, and ease.

Here is a list of several common symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue, better known as Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Issues.

Do you experience:

  • Fatigue, both waking-up with it and/or having an afternoon slump?
  • Cravings for salt?
  • Abnormally low or high blood pressure?
  • Cravings for sugar, especially in the afternoon?
  • Cravings for caffeine, especially in the morning and afternoon as a pick-me-up?
  • Poor circulation, such as cold hands and feet or varicose veins?
  • Feeling weak or dizzy?
  • Feeling stressed?
  • Muscle tension (check your shoulders/traps, low back, neck, and jaw)?
  • Bouts of yawning in the afternoon?
  • Being more susceptible to colds and flus or respiratory disorders like asthma or bronchitis?
  • Trouble sleeping?

If you answered Yes to Four or More of these, then you likely have cortisol issues and this means adrenal challenges.

There are many lifestyle hacks to balance your adrenals and I have a favorite supplement below.

Lifestyle Hacks:

  1. Reduce stress by adding meditation, yoga, gyrotonic, qi gong, tai chi, or other calming practices. Even 10 minutes morning and night can make a huge difference.
  2. Get out in nature, as much as possible! This literally helps you down-regulate your nervous system and reduces stress.
  3. Drink more water.
  4. Reduce caffeine so you can build up your adrenals. Caffeine drains them and gives you “false energy”.
  5. Exercise in the morning when possible. If you exercise at night, it causes a cortisol surge and can create imbalances in your adrenal health. If you’re sleeping fine, and evening is the only time to exercise, do it; just understand it may not be optimal.
  6. Eat protein and healthy fats in place of quick carbs and sugar. Turkey jerky sticks, nuts, avocado, or collagen or plant based protein power bars.
  7. Make breakfast your strongest meal. This means with plenty of organic protein, healthy fats, and vegetables. Think of it as having dinner for breakfast.
  8. Hug family and friends for 60 seconds at a time. This releases a calming hormone that can combat stress and nourish your adrenals.
  9. Avoid falling asleep with the television on since it stimulates your nervous system and actually taxes your adrenals.
  10. Learn a few simple Medical Qi Gong exercises to replenish your adrenals and balance your energy, aka Qi or vital lifeforce energy.

My Favorite Supplement is an Adaptogenic Formula with the top herbs for supporting Adrenal health, while combatting stress. It helps you build your resilience so you have peace of body and mind.

It’s by a favorite company of mine called Apex Energetics. The formula is called Adaptocrine XL. It’s clean, free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn, and crap, so it’s KGM approved. I take it almost every day. It’s my go-to formula when I’m up late dancing Argentine tango and know that my cortisol levels are off, or when I’m holding a late-night cacao ceremony with sound healing.

If you’d like to try Adaptocrine XL, please email to let us know. Include your full name, shipping address, and email. We will send you an invoice so you can pay via PayPal or credit card. Once paid, we will ship it out to you right away. This is good for the United States only.

Happy Holidays and Blessings of Vibrant Health,
Kristin Grayce McGary
Health and Lifestyle Alchemist